If you’re like many people, you’re in the dark about your finances. You pay your bills each month and do your best to prepare for your future. But the truth is, there’s only so much money to go around and preparing for the future can be overwhelming.
Financial Needs Analysis
A Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) can help bring your current financial situation to light. It can show where your finances stand today and what you need to do to prepare for tomorrow.
Who could benefit from a FNA?
- Anyone with children.
- Anyone with debt.
- Anyone who plans to retire someday.
- Anyone who lacks a strategy for financial independence.
Here’s an overview of the information you will receive from your FNA:
- Emergency Savings: how much you need to put away on a monthly basis to build up emergency savings starting with a $1,000 and eventually building up until you have a least 6 months income set aside for when, not if, an unexpected emergency challenges your financial situation.
- Debt Solutions: Illustrates strategies for paying off credit cards and loans in the quickest, most efficient manner possible with little or no additional cash outlay.
- Saving for Retirement: Offers scenarios to show how much money you need to set aside for retirement.
- Education Funding: Projects actual cost for specific schools you select, then shows you several strategies for funding your children’s education expenses.
- Dreams and goals planning: You decide where you want to go in your life – buy a new car, purchase your 1st home or a vacation home, fund a wedding or honeymoon, maybe an exotic vacation and we’ll show you what needs to be done to turn your dreams into reality.
- Budgeting: Shows you exactly where you are spending your money so you can prioritize your spending.
These proven financial concepts can forever change the way you think about and manage your money. We will customize financial solutions to help you put your plan in motion. We believe every family deserves financial security.